
Samuli Aalto

Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD

Optimal control of batch service queueing systems


  1. S. Aalto,
    Optimal control of batch service queues with compound Poisson arrivals and finite service capacity, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 48, 317-335, 1998
  2. S. Aalto,
    Optimal control of batch service queues with finite service capacity and linear holding costs, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 51, 263-285, 2000


  1. S. Aalto,
    Optimal control of batch service queues with Poisson arrivals and finite service capacity, Reports of the Department of Mathematics, University of Helsinki, Preprint 166, December 1997


  1. Optimal control of batch service queueing systems,
    Symposium on Stochastic Processes in Engineering Applications, VTT, Otaniemi, Finland, April 1992
  2. Optimal control of finite capacity batch service queues with general holding costs (invited talk),
    EURO XVI, 16th European Conference on Operational Research, Brussels, Belgium, July 1998
  3. Optimal control of batch service queues with finite capacity and general holding costs,
    Queueing Colloquium, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 1999