Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD
Performance modelling and analysis of P2P file sharing systems
R. Susitaival, S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
Analyzing the dynamics and resource usage of P2P file sharing by a
spatio-temporal model,
in P2P-HPCS'06
(International Workshop on P2P for High Performance Computational Sciences,
Reading, UK, May 2006),
LNCS 3994, Springer, pp. 420-427, 2006
R. Susitaival and S. Aalto,
Modelling the population dynamics and the file availability in a bitTorrent-like
p2p system with decreasing peer arrival rate,
in IWSOS 2006
(New Trends in Network Architectures and Services: International Workshop on
Self-Organizing Systems, Passau, Germany, September 2006),
LNCS 4124, Springer, pp. 34-48, 2006
R. Susitaival and S. Aalto,
Analyzing the file availability and download time in a P2P file sharing system,
in NGI 2007
(3rd EURO-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks,
Trondheim, Norway, May 2007),
IEEE Press, pp. 88-95, 2007