
Samuli Aalto

Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD

Scientific reports within international projects

Project COST 214 reports (1987-1988)

  1. J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Simulation studies of multiserver reservation systems, COST 214-108, August 1987
  2. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Multiserver reservation systems - a comparison between service strategies, COST 214-116, December 1988

Project RACE II/COMBINE reports (1992-1994)

  1. S. Aalto, I. Norros and J. Virtamo,
    Some elements for the mathematical modelling of the IWU's, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/010/1, September 1992
  2. S. Aalto,
    Sojourn time in an M/M/1-PS queue, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/013/1, January 1993
  3. S. Aalto,
    Delays in the DQDB-SIWU system operating in the frame interworking mode, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/014/1, January 1993
  4. S. Aalto,
    The mean delays of CO and CL traffic cells, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/015/1, February 1993
  5. S. Aalto,
    CL traffic: extended performance analysis of the SIWU operating in frame interworking mode, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/016/1, February 1993
  6. S. Aalto,
    CL traffic: extended performance analysis of the SIWU operating in frame interworking mode, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/016/2, March 1993
  7. S. Aalto,
    Required work in the M/M/1-FIFO queue, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/017/1, March 1993
  8. J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Sections 4.1 and 5.1 of D4 (Volume 1), COMBINE/VTT/WP1/018/1, March 1993
  9. J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Model of the RIWU operating in the frame interworking mode, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/020/1, May 1993
  10. S. Aalto,
    On the connection of measurements and analytical results concerning the IWU, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/021/1, October 1993
  11. S. Aalto,
    On the optimization of routing in packet networks, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/022/1, November 1993
  12. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Basic packet routing problem, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/026/1, February 1994
  13. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Alternative routing in the CLON, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/027/1, April 1994
  14. S. Aalto,
    Proposal for SIWU experiments with the COMBINE testbed, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/028/1, April 1994
  15. S. Aalto,
    Proposal for SIWU experiments with the COMBINE testbed, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/028/2, September 1994
  16. S. Aalto, I. Norros and J. Virtamo,
    On the topological design of the CLON, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/029/1, June 1994
  17. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Topological design of the CLON: some results, COMBINE/VTT/WP1/030/1, October 1994

Project COST 242 reports (1992-1995)

  1. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Output from an A-M-S-type fluid queue (I), COST 242TD(92)069, December 1992
  2. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Output from a fluid queue operating in message mode, COST 242TD(92)070, December 1992
  3. S. Aalto,
    Output from an A-M-S-type fluid queue (II), COST 242TD(93)016, March 1993
  4. S. Aalto,
    Required work in the M/M/1-FIFO queue, COST 242TD(93)018, March 1993
  5. J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    On the frame buffer of a DQDB access node, COST 242TD(93)029, June 1993
  6. S. Aalto,
    Output from a stochastic fluid queue driven by a birth-death process, COST 242TD(93)057, October 1993
  7. S. Aalto,
    Output from a stochastic fluid queue loaded by homogeneous on-off sources, COST 242TD(93)058, October 1993
  8. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Estimation algorithm for a doubly stochastic Poisson process, COST 242TD(94)013, February 1994
  9. S. Aalto,
    Basic packet routing problem, COST 242TD(94)023, May 1994
  10. J. Virtamo, S. Aalto and D. Down,
    Window based estimation of the intensity of a doubly stochastic Poisson process, COST 242TD(95)057, August 1995

Project ACTS/EXPERT reports (1996-1997)

  1. S. Aalto,
    State-dependent routing and dynamic bandwidth allocation in a fully connected ATM network, AC094_VTT_32_002.01_CD_CC, February 1996
  2. S. Aalto,
    Description of the resource management trials in the Finnish National Host testbed, AC094_VTT_32_003.01_CD_CC, August 1996
  3. S. Aalto,
    Description of the resource management trials in the Finnish National Host testbed, AC094_VTT_32_003.02_CD_CC, December 1996
  4. S. Aalto,
    Call level simulator (version 1), ACTS project EXPERT report AC094_VTT_32_004.01_CD_CC, December 1996
  5. S. Aalto,
    Simulation trials, ACTS project EXPERT report AC094_VTT_32_005.01_CD_CC, January 1997

Project COST 257 reports (1997-2000)

  1. J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Blocking probabilities in a transient system, COST257 TD(97)14, January 1997
  2. J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Remarks on the effectiveness of dynamic VP bandwidth management, COST257 TD(97)15, January 1997
  3. P. Lassila, J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Two approaches to simulating loss networks, COST257 TD(97)30, May 1997
  4. J. Karvo, J. Virtamo, S. Aalto and O. Martikainen,
    Blocking of dynamic multicast connections in a single link, COST257 TD(97)46, September 1997
  5. E. Nyberg, J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    An exact algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks, COST257 TD(99)26, September 1999
  6. S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Practical algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks, COST257 TD(00)29, May 2000

Project COST 279 reports (2001-2005)

  1. E. Nyberg, S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Relating flow level requirements to DiffServ packet level mechanisms, COST279 TD(01)04, October 2001
  2. J. van Leeuwaarden, S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Load balancing in cellular networks using first policy iteration, COST279 TD(02)23, May 2002
  3. R. Susitaival, J. Virtamo and S. Aalto,
    Load balancing by MPLS in Differentiated Services networks, COST279 TD(02)41, September 2002
  4. R. Susitaival and S. Aalto,
    Providing differentiated services by load balancing and scheduling in MPLS networks, COST279 TD(03)03, January 2003
  5. J. Karvo and S. Aalto,
    Using multicast or a combination of unicast and broadcast for transmitting popular content, COST279 TD(03)20, May 2003
  6. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Mean delay comparison among multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines, COST279 TD(05)07, February 2005