Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD
Unrefereed publications
Unrefereed conference papers
S. Aalto, J.L. van den Berg, I. Norros, E. Smeitink, J.T. Virtamo,
Architectural issues of connectionless overlay network,
in The First International ATM Traffic Expert Symposium, Basel, Switzerland,
paper 12, April 1995
S. Aalto and J.T. Virtamo,
Real-time estimation of call arrival intensities,
in RACE Workshop: ATM hot topics on Traffic and Performance: from RACE to ACTS,
Milan, Italy,
paper 11, June 1995
S. Aalto and J.T. Virtamo,
Topological optimization of the connectionless overlay network,
in The twelfth Nordic teletraffic seminar NTS-12, Espoo, Finland, August 1995,
eds. I. Norros and J. Virtamo, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo,
pp. 455-466, 1995
S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
Basic packet routing problem,
in The thirteenth Nordic teletraffic seminar NTS-13, Trondheim, Norway, August 1996,
eds. P.J. Emstad, B.E. Helvik and A.H. Myskja, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,
pp. 85-97, 1996
S. Aalto and S. Giordano,
Virtual trunk simulation,
in ACTS PROJECT AC094 EXPERT: ATM Traffic Symposium, Mykonos, Greece, September 1997
S. Aalto and J.T. Virtamo,
Combinatorial algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks,
in Fifteenth Nordic teletraffic seminar NTS-15, Lund, Sweden, August 2000,
eds. J.M. Karlsson, U. Körner and C. Nyberg, Lund University, Lund,
pp. 23-34, 2000
E. Nyberg, S. Aalto and R. Susitaival,
A simulation study on the relationship of DiffServ packet level mechanisms and flow level
QoS requirements,
in Telecommunication Networks and Teletraffic Theory (NGN-2002),
International Seminar, LONIIS, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 156-171, January 2002
S. Aalto and E. Nyberg,
Flow level models of DiffServ packet level mechanisms,
in Sixteenth Nordic Teletraffic Seminar NTS-16, Espoo, Finland, August 2002,
eds. P. Lassila, E. Nyberg and J. Virtamo, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo,
pp. 194-205, 2002
Other scientific papers
- S. Aalto,
Optimal control of batch service queues with Poisson arrivals and finite service capacity,
Reports of the Department of Mathematics, University of Helsinki, Preprint 166,
Helsinki, Finland, December 1997
S. Aalto,
Optimal control of batch service queues with finite service capacity and linear holding costs,
EURANDOM report 99-021, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 1999
S. Aalto and W. Scheinhardt,
Tandem fluid queues fed by homogeneous on-off sources,
EURANDOM report 99-022, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 1999
J. van Leeuwaarden, S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
Load balancing in cellular networks using first policy iteration,
Helsinki University of Technology, Networking Laboratory, Report 6/2001,
Espoo, Finland, November 2001
S. Aalto, U. Ayesta and E. Nyberg-Oksanen,
M/G/1/MLPS compared to M/G/1/PS,
INRIA report RR-5219, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 2004
S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
Mean delay comparison among multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines,
Insitut Mittag-Leffler Preprint Series, Report No. 11, 2004/2005 fall, January 2005
S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
On the non-optimality of the FB discipline within the service time distribution class IMRL,
CWI Report PNA-E0509, September 2005
I. Juva, R. Susitaival, M. Peuhkuri and S. Aalto,
Effects of spatial aggregation on the characteristics of origin-destination
pair traffic in Funet,
Helsinki University of technology, Networking Laboratory, Report 1/2007,
Espoo, Finland, March 2007
S. Aalto, U. Ayesta, S. Borst, V. Misra and R. Nunez-Queija,
Beyond processor sharing,
CWI Report PNA-E0701, May 2007
S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
Optimal scheduling of service requirements with a DHR tail in the M/G/1 queue,
HAL Report hal-00166642, August 2007