
Samuli Aalto

Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD

Dispatching problems in queueing systems


  1. E. Hyytiä, S. Aalto, A. Penttinen and R. Sulonen,
    A stochastic model for a vehicle in a dial-a-ride system, Operations Research Letters, 38, 432-435, 2010
  2. E. Hyytiä, A. Penttinen, S. Aalto and J. Virtamo,
    Dispatching problem with fixed size jobs and processor sharing discipline, in ITC 23 (23rd International Teletraffic Congress, San Francisco, CA, September 2011), pp. 190-197, 2011
  3. E. Hyytiä, J. Virtamo, S. Aalto and A. Penttinen,
    M/M/1-PS queue and size-aware task assignment, Performance Evaluation, 68, 1136-1148, 2011
  4. A. Penttinen, E. Hyytiä and S. Aalto,
    Energy-aware dispatching in parallel queues with on-off energy consumption, in IEEE IPCCC 2011 (30th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, November 2011)
  5. E. Hyytiä, A. Penttinen and S. Aalto,
    Size- and state-aware dispatching problem with queue-specific job sizes, European Journal of Operational Research 217, 357-370, 2012
  6. E. Hyytiä, S. Aalto and A. Penttinen,
    Minimizing slowdown in heterogeneous size-aware dispatching systems, in ACM SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE 2012 (Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, London, UK, June 2012), pp. 29-40, 2012
  7. E. Hyytiä, S. Aalto, A. Penttinen and J. Virtamo,
    On the value function of the M/G/1 FCFS and LCFS queues, Journal of Applied Probability 49, 1052-1071, 2012
  8. E. Hyytiä and S. Aalto,
    To split or not to split: Selecting the right server with batch arrivals, Operations Research Letters 41, 325-330, 2013
  9. E. Hyytiä and S. Aalto,
    Round-Robin routing policy: Value functions and mean performance with job- and server-specific costs, in ValueTools 2013 (7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Torino, Italy, December 2013), pp. 68-79, 2013
  10. E. Hyytiä, R. Righter and S. Aalto,
    Task assignment in a heterogeneous server farm with switching delays and general energy-aware cost structure, Performance Evaluation 75–76, 17–35, 2014
  11. E. Hyytiä, R. Righter and S. Aalto,
    Energy-aware job assignment in server farms with setup delays under LCFS and PS, in ITC 26 (26th International Teletraffic Congress, Karlskrona, Sweden, September 2014)
  12. E. Hyytiä and S. Aalto,
    On round-robin routing with FCFS and LCFS scheduling, Performance Evaluation 97, 83-103, 2016
    (Special Issue: Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools: Selected Papers from VALUETOOLS 2013)
  13. J. Doncel, S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Economies of scale in parallel-server systems, in IEEE Infocom 2017 (IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Atlanta, GA, May 2017), pp. 1350-1358, 2017
  14. E. Hyytiä, D. Down, P. Lassila and S. Aalto,
    Dynamic control of running servers, in MMB 2018 (19th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems, Erlangen, Germany, February 2018), LNCS 10740, Springer, pp. 127-141, 2018
  15. S. Aalto and P. Lassila,
    Whittle index approach to energy-aware dispatching, in ITC 30 (30th International Teletraffic Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 2018), pp. 19-27, 2018


  1. Size-aware MDP approach to dispatching problems,
    EURO-INFORMS 2013, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italy, July 2013
  2. Round-Robin routing policy: Value functions and mean performance with job- and server-specific costs,
    ValueTools 2013, 7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Torino, Italy, December 2013
  3. Whittle index approach to energy-aware dispatching,
    ITC 30, Vienna, Austria, September 2018