
Samuli Aalto

Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD

Opportunistic scheduling in wireless systems


  1. S. Aalto and P. Lassila,
    Impact of size-based scheduling on flow level performance in wireless downlink data channels, in ITC 20 (20th International Teletraffic Congress, Ottawa, Canada, June 2007), LNCS 4516, Springer, pp. 1096-1107, 2007
  2. P. Lassila and S. Aalto,
    Combining opportunistic and size-based scheduling in wireless systems, in ACM MSWiM 2008 (11th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Vancouver, Canada, October 2008), pp. 323-332, 2008
  3. S. Aalto and P. Lassila,
    Flow-level stability and performance of channel-aware priority-based schedulers, in NGI 2010 (6th EURO-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet, Paris, June 2010)
  4. J. Melasniemi, P. Lassila and S. Aalto,
    Minimizing file transfer delays using SRPT in HSDPA with terminal constraints, in NET-COOP’10 (4th Workshop on Network Control and Optimization, Ghent, Belgium, November/December 2010), pp. 17-24, 2010
  5. S. Aalto, A. Penttinen, P. Lassila and P. Osti,
    On the optimal trade-off between SRPT and opportunistic scheduling, in ACM SIGMETRICS 2011 (International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, San Jose, CA, June 2011), pp. 185-195, 2011
  6. S. Aalto, A. Penttinen, P. Lassila and P. Osti,
    Optimal size-based opportunistic scheduler for wireless systems, Queueing Systems, 72, 5-30, 2012
    (Special Issue on Recent Trends in the Mathematics of Wireless Communication Networks: Algorithms, Models and Methods)
  7. S. Aalto, P. Lassila and P. Osti,
    Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling with time-varying channels, in ACM SIGMETRICS 2015 (International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Portland, OR, June 2015), pp. 57-69, 2015
  8. S. Aalto, P. Lassila and P. Osti,
    Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling for time-varying channels with multiple states, Queueing Systems 83, 195–225, 2016
    (Special Issue: ACM SIGMETRICS 2015)
  9. S. Aalto, P. Lassila and P. Osti,
    Opportunistic scheduling with flow size information for Markovian time-varying channels, Performance Evaluation 112, 27-52, 2017
    (Special Issue: ECQT 2016)


  1. Multi-user scheduling in HSDPA systems,
    Euro-NF JRA 2.3 meeting, Trondheim, Norway, October 2008
  2. Flow-level stability and performance of channel-aware priority-based schedulers,
    NGI 2010, 6th EURO-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet, Paris, France, June 2010
  3. On the optimal trade-off between SRPT and opportunistic scheduling,
    ACM SIGMETRICS 2011, San Jose, CA, June 2011
  4. Combining optimally opportunistic and size-based scheduling in scalable queues (invited talk),
    INFORMS APS 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2011
  5. Recent advances in age and size-based scheduling,
    ITC 24, 24th International Teletraffic Congress, Krakow, Poland, September 2012
  6. Optimal scheduling problem for scalable queues,
    Dagstuhl Scheduling Seminar, Wadern, Germany, March 2013
  7. Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling with time-varying channels,
    ACM SIGMETRICS 2015, Portland, OR, June 2015
  8. Optimal trade-off between size-based and opportunistic scheduling: Whittle index approach,
    INFORMS APS 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2015
  9. Opportunistic scheduling with flow size information for Markovian time-varying channels,
    ECQT 2016, Toulouse, France, July 2016