
Samuli Aalto

Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD

Age and size-based scheduling in queueing systems


  1. S. Aalto, U. Ayesta and E. Nyberg-Oksanen,
    Two-level processor-sharing scheduling disciplines: mean delay analysis, in ACM SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE 2004 (Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, New York, NY, June 2004), pp. 97-105, 2004
  2. S. Aalto, U. Ayesta and E. Nyberg-Oksanen,
    M/G/1/MLPS compared to M/G/1/PS, Operations Research Letters 33, 519-524, 2005
  3. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Mean delay analysis of multi level processor sharing disciplines, in IEEE Infocom 2006 (25th Annual Conference on Computer Communications, Barcelona, April 2006), 2006
  4. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    On the nonoptimality of the foreground-background discipline for IMRL service times, Journal of Applied Probability 43, 523-534, 2006
  5. S. Aalto,
    M/G/1/MLPS compared with M/G/1/PS within service time distribution class IMRL, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 64, 309-325, 2006
  6. S. Aalto, U. Ayesta, S. Borst, V. Misra and R. Nunez-Queija,
    Beyond Processor Sharing, ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review 34, 4, 36-43, 2007
    (Special issue: New Perspectives in Scheduling)
  7. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Mean delay optimization for the M/G/1 queue with Pareto type service times, in ACM SIGMETRICS 2007 (International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, San Diego, CA, June 2007), pp. 383-384, 2007
  8. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Recent sojourn time results for Multilevel Processor-Sharing scheduling disciplines, Statistica Neerlandica 62, 266-282, 2008
    (Special issue: Eurandom 1998–2008. A random tour through a decade of research)
  9. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Optimal scheduling of jobs with a DHR tail in the M/G/1 queue, in ValueTools 2008 (3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Athens, Greece, October 2008)
  10. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    SRPT applied to bandwidth-sharing networks, Annals of Operations Research 170, 3-19, 2009
    (Special Issue: Stochastic Performance Models for Resource Allocation in Communication Systems)
  11. S. Aalto, U. Ayesta, and R. Righter,
    On the Gittins index in the M/G/1 queue, Queueing Systems 63, 437-458, 2009
    (Special Issue: 100 years of queueing - The Erlang Centennial)
  12. S. Aalto, U. Ayesta and R. Righter,
    Properties of the Gittins index with application to optimal scheduling, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 25, 269-288, 2011


  1. S. Aalto, U. Ayesta and E. Nyberg-Oksanen,
    M/G/1/MLPS compared to M/G/1/PS, INRIA report RR-5219, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 2004,
  2. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Mean delay comparison among multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines, Insitut Mittag-Leffler Preprint Series, Report No. 11, 2004/2005 fall, January 2005 (also: COST279 TD(05)07, February 2005)
  3. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    On the non-optimality of the FB discipline within the service time distribution class IMRL, CWI Report PNA-E0509, September 2005
  4. S. Aalto and U. Ayesta,
    Optimal scheduling of service requirements with a DHR tail in the M/G/1 queue, HAL Report hal-00166642, August 2007


  1. Scheduling problem: Differentiation between short and long TCP flows,
    VTT, Otaniemi, Finland, October 2003
  2. Multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines: mean delay analysis,
    FGSS (Finnish Graduate School in Stochastics) Seminar, HUT, Otaniemi, Finland, January 2004
  3. Multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines: mean delay analysis,
    COST279/FIT research seminar (7th Finnish Teletraffic Seminar), HUT, Otaniemi, Finland, February 2004
  4. M/G/1/MLPS compared to M/G/1/PS,
    Insitut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2004
  5. Mean delay comparison among MLPS scheduling disciplines,
    COST 279 Management Committee Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, February 2005
  6. Mean delay comparison among MLPS scheduling disciplines,
    PAN-NET research seminar (8th Finnish Teletraffic Seminar), VTT, Otaniemi, Finland, April 2005
  7. Mean delay analysis of Multi Level Processor Sharing disciplines,
    IEEE INFOCOM 2006, Barcelona, Spain, April 2006
  8. M/G/1/MLPS queue: mean delay analysis (invited talk),
    EURO XXI, 21st European Conference on Operational Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2006
  9. SRPT applied to bandwidth-sharing networks,
    StoPeRA, EuroNGI Workshop, CWI, Amsterdam, November 2006
  10. Mean delay optimization for the M/G/1 queue with Pareto type service times (poster),
    ACM SIGMETRICS 2007, San Diego, CA, June 2007
  11. Recent sojourn time results for Multilevel Processor-Sharing scheduling disciplines (invited talk),
    The 10th Anniversary of EURANDOM, Eindhoven, August 2008
  12. Recent sojourn time results for Multilevel Processor-Sharing scheduling disciplines,
    INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France, March 2009
  13. On the Gittins index in the M/G/1 queue,
    INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France, March 2009
  14. Control and optimization of single-server queues: the Gittins index approach revisited (invited talk),
    NET-COOP'10, 4th Workshop on Network Control and Optimization, Ghent, Belgium, November/December 2010
  15. Recent advances in age and size-based scheduling (tutorial),
    ITC 24, 24th International Teletraffic Congress, Krakow, Poland, September 2012