Senior University Lecturer, Docent, PhD
Invited talks
Optimal control of finite capacity batch service queues with general holding costs,
16th European Conference on Operational Research,
Brussels, Belgium, July 1998
M/G/1/MLPS queue: mean delay analysis,
21st European Conference on Operational Research,
Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2006
Recent sojourn time results for Multilevel Processor-Sharing scheduling disciplines,
The 10th Anniversary of EURANDOM,
Eindhoven, August 2008
Control and optimization of single-server queues: the Gittins index approach revisited (invited talk),
4th Workshop on Network Control and Optimization, Ghent, Belgium, November/December 2010
Combining optimally opportunistic and size-based scheduling in scalable queues,
Stockholm, Sweden, July 2011
Size-aware MDP approach to dispatching problems,
26th European Conference on Operational Research,
Rome, Italy, July 2013
Performance-energy trade-off in multi-server queueing systems with setup delay,
LCCC Workshop in Cloud Control,
Lund, Sweden, May 2014
Optimal trade-off between size-based and opportunistic scheduling: Whittle index approach,
Istanbul, Turkey, July 2015
Scientific conferences
Output from an A-M-S type fluid queue,
ITC 14, 14th International Teletraffic Congress,
Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 1994
Basic packet routing problem,
NTS-13, 13th Nordic teletraffic seminar,
Trondheim, Norway, August 1996
Required work in the M/M/1 queue,
Fourth INFORMS Telecommunications Conference,
Boca Raton, FL, March 1998
Tandem fluid queues fed by homogeneous on-off sources,
BOCA 2000,
Fifth INFORMS Telecommunications Conference,
Boca Raton, FL, March 2000
Combinatorial algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks,
15th Nordic Teletraffic Seminar,
Lund, Sweden, August 2000
Blocking probabilities of two-layer statistically indistinguishable multicast streams,
ITC 17,
17th International Teletraffic Congress,
Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, December 2001
Flow level models of DiffServ packet level mechanisms,
16th Nordic Teletraffic Seminar,
Espoo, Finland, August 2002
Mean delay analysis of Multi Level Processor Sharing disciplines,
Barcelona, Spain, April 2006
Mean delay optimization for the M/G/1 queue with Pareto type service times (poster),
San Diego, CA, June 2007
Flow-level stability and performance of channel-aware priority-based schedulers,
NGI 2010,
6th EURO-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet,
Paris, France, June 2010
On the optimal trade-off between SRPT and opportunistic scheduling,
San Jose, CA, June 2011
Load balancing of elastic data traffic in heterogeneous wireless networks,
ITC 25,
25th International Teletraffic Congress,
Shanghai, China, September 2013
Round-Robin routing policy: Value functions and mean performance with job- and server-specific costs,
ValueTools 2013,
7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools,
Torino, Italy, December 2013
Whittle index approach to size-aware scheduling with time-varying channels,
Portland, OR, June 2015
Opportunistic scheduling with flow size information for Markovian time-varying channels,
ECQT 2016,
Toulouse, France, July 2016
Whittle index approach to energy-aware dispatching,
ITC 30,
Vienna, Austria, September 2018
Scientific workshops
An approximative filtering algorithm for a doubly stochastic Poisson process ,
7th European Young Statisticians Meeting,
Oberwolfach, Germany, August 1991
Optimal control of batch service queueing systems,
Symposium on Stochastic Processes in Engineering Applications,
Otaniemi, Finland, April 1992
Dynamic resource allocation for virtual path connections,
COST257 research seminar (1st Finnish Teletraffic Seminar),
Otaniemi, Finland, December 1997
Optimal control of batch service queues with finite capacity and general holding costs,
Queueing Colloquium,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 1999
New algorithms for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks,
COST257/COM2 research seminar (4th Finnish Teletraffic Seminar),
Otaniemi, Finland, February 2001
Teletraffic analysis of multicast networks,
Fifth Diderot Mathematical Forum,
Mathematics and Telecommunications,
Otaniemi, Finland, November 2001
Teletraffic analysis of multicast networks,
Stochastics in Finland,
University of Helsinki,
Department of Mathematics,
Helsinki, Finland, January 2002
Load balancing in cellular networks using first policy iteration,
COST279/FIT research seminar (5th Finnish Teletraffic Seminar),
Otaniemi, Finland, February 2002
Multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines: mean delay analysis,
FGSS (Finnish Graduate School in Stochastics) Seminar,
Otaniemi, Finland, January 2004
Multilevel processor-sharing scheduling disciplines: mean delay analysis,
COST279/FIT research seminar (7th Finnish Teletraffic Seminar),
Otaniemi, Finland, February 2004
Mean delay comparison among MLPS scheduling disciplines,
PAN-NET research seminar (8th Finnish Teletraffic Seminar),
Otaniemi, Finland, April 2005
SRPT applied to bandwidth-sharing networks,
EuroNGI Workshop, CWI, Amsterdam, November 2006
P2P VoD Systems: Modelling and Performance,
FI SHOK WP 3.2 Workshop, Otaniemi, Finland, June 2010
How impatience affects the performance and scalability of
P2P video-on-demand systems,
MAMA 2011,
The Thirteenth Workshop on MAthematical Performance Modeling and Analysis,
San Jose, CA, USA, June 2011
Optimal scheduling problem for scalable queues,
Dagstuhl Scheduling Seminar,
Wadern, Germany, March 2013
Performance-energy trade-off in queueing systems with setup delay,
ACM Sigmetrics TPC Workshop,
New York, NY, USA, February 2016
Other scientific presentations
Output from an A-M-S-type fluid queue (II),
COST 242 Management Committee Meeting,
Leidchendam, The Netherlands, April 1993
Required work in the M/M/1-FIFO queue,
COST 242 Management Committee Meeting,
Leidchendam, The Netherlands, April 1993
Basic packet routing problem,
COST 242 Management Committee Meeting,
Budapest, Hungary, May 1994
Jonojen matematiikkaa,
Lectio praecursoria,
University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland, May 1998
Research topics,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, January 1999
Characterization of the output process for some fluid queues,
University of Twente,
Twente, The Netherlands, May 1999
Characterization of the output process for some fluid queues,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 1999
An exact algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks,
COST 257 Management Committee Meeting,
Larnaca, Cyprus, September 1999
Practical algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks,
COST 257 Management Committee Meeting,
Kjeller, Norway, May 2000
Combinatorial algorithm for calculating blocking probabilities in multicast networks
with multiple connection classes,
Helsinki University of Technology,
Laboratory of Telecommunications Technology,
Otaniemi, Finland, August 2000
Calculating blocking probabilities of multicast connections with dynamic membership,
Helsinki University of Technology,
Laboratory of Telecommunications Technology,
Otaniemi, Finland, November 2000
Flow model for a TCP/SIMA-like system with two NBR-classes,
Helsinki University of Technology,
Networking Laboratory,
Otaniemi, Finland, March 2001
Scheduling problem: Differentiation between short and long TCP flows,
Otaniemi, Finland, October 2003
M/G/1/MLPS compared to M/G/1/PS,
Insitut Mittag-Leffler,
Stockholm, Sweden, September 2004
Mean delay comparison among MLPS scheduling disciplines,
COST 279 Management Committee Meeting,
Antalya, Turkey, February 2005
SRPT applied to bandwidth sharing networks,
Comnet Research Seminar,
Otaniemi, Finland, March 2008
Multi-user scheduling in HSDPA systems,
Euro-NF JRA 2.3 meeting,
Trondheim, Norway, October 2008
Recent sojourn time results for Multilevel Processor-Sharing scheduling disciplines,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, March 2009
On the Gittins index in the M/G/1 queue,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, March 2009
Peer-to-peer systems: Modelling and performance,
BCAM, Bilbao, Spain, February 2010
P2P VoD systems: Modelling and performance,
FI SHOK WP 3.2 Workshop, Otaniemi, Finland, June 2010
P2P VoD systems: Modelling and performance,
UCB-IEOR Seminar, Berkeley, CA, USA, September 2010
Dispatching problems in multi-server queueing systems,
LAAS, Toulouse, France, May 2014